Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Change is good, right?

Walt's backseat perspective heading home
Today was the day for my three month MRI and visit with my doctor.  It's not good news.  There is new growth and my tumor has changed.  This is what brain tumors do - they don't stay stagnant for very long.  The grow, change, evolve, mutate.  It is hard to know what exactly has happened but we will be facing some hard decisions soon.

I did feel in my gut that something was off but I tried to push it aside since I had experienced seizures and a worsening of symptoms before only to go in for my MRI and and find things unchanged.  I have considered this day many times but I suppose one is never fully prepared to hear the tumor is growing and changing.
What to do now?  The UCSF tumor board meets tomorrow and after all of the doctors have weighed in, I will speak to my doctor and talk about our options.  More surgery is back on the table, to both biopsy the new tumor and find out if it is a mutation or if it is the same cancer simply growing.  The doctor even floated the possibility of a "debulking" procedure to reduce the size of the largest mass and buy me some more time.  I didn't think this was even possible but it may be.
Of course, the unwanted visitor lurking in the corner - Whole Brain Radiation - is back in the mix.  It is too early to say what will be feasible until we hear the opinion of the tumor board.  More aggressive treatment might be an option after this all shakes out.  (Can I have my well fought draw back?)
Too soon to speculate about all of this but the unfortunate fact is the options are few.
All in all, a pretty brutal day.  I'm trying to keep my thoughts and feelings from running off ahead of me and just deal with the choices of the here and now.  Change is inevitable so we are trying to prepare ourselves for that.
The news is bad.  We'll know more tomorrow.  Send some good vibes our way if you have some to spare.


  1. not the last word. praying and hoping for good options you can embrace and for their full success

  2. Hi Chris -

    You've kept such a tremendous perspective and attitude throughout all the things you've related, and it surely would not stun me to see you impressively doing it again. You'll get all the good vibes I have, and I know I will look forward to better news from you soon.

    Your willingness to be frank and open is truly admirable, and please know it does not go unnoticed and that there is great appreciation for your candor.

  3. Chris:
    I'm really sorry about the news and pray that you can stay positive. We are praying for you here and wish you all the very best, my friend.

  4. Wishing you peace and positivity, Chris. Your friends and family love you -- please let us know how we can help keep you afloat at this trying time.

  5. Love you. Prayers and peace heading your way from the Pacific. HUG.

  6. Praying that there are some good options for you. Thinking about you, Steph, and Walt today.

    - Bertie

  7. Good vibes, virtual hugs, and prayers on their way to you and yours.

  8. Chris, I'm thinking of you and your family as you head back into the abyss. Strength.

  9. We have nothing but good vibes and love for all of you. I'm praying to know that you will know the right road to take. Grateful that you have such a good medical team behind you too. xo--Krista

  10. Sending all the good energy I can muster your way. And lots of love. Georgia

  11. Love you guys and thinking about you.

  12. Sending lots of positive energy and love. I second Bill's admiration for your attitude and frankness.

  13. Prayers for strength for you all. Sending lots of love.

  14. chris
    this sharing
    this vulnerability
    braver than imaginable
    may the little kernels
    i imagine
    find breath among you
    so many miles away

  15. Sending good vibes your way now and into the future. Teresa Yates

  16. Chris and Steph,
    I am sending the biggest hugs to family and all the most positive thoughts we have your way... love Sarah and Shayne xo

  17. Eli and I are thinking of you all. Can we come over for a play date in SF with Walt on June 23 or 24? Hugs, Joan

  18. My husband, Wes Neal, did a river trip with you. He just was trying to post a comment to you that didn't take. We just wanted you to know that we're praying for you. That we've seen the impossible, several people given absolutely NO good options at our church who through God's hand were able to defy the very terrible odds. I know of several people told that they had a few months to live and treatment options were exhausted who are 10+ years down the road and cancer free. I believe that each of us have a time to go and I pray that those time has come are ready... but some of us have a bigger purpose - and sometimes you purpose is to demonstrate God's healing power. And I pray that's your purpose and that God gives you incredible faith to get through this. If you feel so inclined shoot Wes an email address where he can connect with you.

  19. Dear Chris,
    I have no words. I'm sorry for the shitty news. God bless you and your lovely family. You're incredible: trying to stay focused on the present, while planning for future outcomes. Whichever road you take in this next phase, I hope it brings good news with it.

  20. Thinking of you and your family and sending all the good vibes in the world your way.
