Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Settling In

We've been back around three weeks now and we are just beginning to feel adjusted.  The last three weeks have been such a rollercoaster, for both emotions and expectations, that we are still feeling a bit out on our feet.  Well, two of us do anyhow - Walt has never looked happier to be reunited with his toys, piles of sports equipment, books, and "his" backyard.  I wouldn't say that he was miserable in the City but I know that he sensed the uncertainty and temporary status there.  Being back together with his "stuff" has seemed to reassure him above all else that life is back to normal.  I wish it were so simple for adults.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fall leaves and kangaroos meet Easter renewal

  We've had many emails from you to check in on us, thank you.
  We are happy to be back in Canberra and now approaching three weeks are starting to establish a routine that feels right.  For sure if we had any doubts about our return they were erased by the joy that has lit Walt's face since we landed.  It is a reminder of course that kids feel everything we do and the weight that lifted from both of us when we returned "home" was also lifted for Walt.