Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Heading "Home"

It looks like on Sunday the three of us will be boarding a plane bound for Sydney and heading back to our house in Canberra and my job at the Embassy.  The last few days have been a Through The Looking Glass inversion of our last few in Australia.  Fours days ago, it just did not appear to be a realistic possibility that I would be medically cleared to return to Australia.  Now that I've had a few days to process this and let it sink in,  I  couldn't be happier.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crazy news!

If you can believe it the State Department gave us an option today to return to Canberra.  They called our oncologist and heard from her how well she thought Chris was doing on chemo and that she couldn't predict how long he would remain stable, that she thought there was no reason he couldn't work at full capacity and that she thought the care in Australia was good. She told him she would remain his primary oncologist and that we could continue to be seen by her even if virtually. All this changed the State Department's mind and despite saying he would highly recommend against going back that we would have that option.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Headaches and hiccups

With Walt & Dad on Bennett Ridge

I'm sorry to report that my headaches returned for the first time in almost ten weeks last Sunday.  I was hoping that the alternative therapies that I'm doing along with the apparent effectiveness of the chemotherapy were at the very least, controlling my symptoms.  After a rough night and twelve miserable hours in bed on Sunday, we spoke with the doctor and I went back on my favorite steroid.