Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Walt having breakfast at the VA after walking mommy to work
I haven't checked in since my last MRI - all good news and we are doing well.  At this point in time, with an extensive grade three tumor in both hemispheres of my brain ... no news is good news and my last last MRI brought no news.  Chemo cycle 2.5 is in the books and I'm not much worse for the wear.  It is starting to seem like returning to D.C. is a good possibility but after talking with my doctor, I'd like to give it 2 more cycles before we decide.  However, does it seem tantalizing close and we are all excited.  I have been challenging myself more and I've found that my body has been up for the challenge.  I'm still trying to practice patience on a daily basis with about a 75% success rate.