Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fall leaves and kangaroos meet Easter renewal

  We've had many emails from you to check in on us, thank you.
  We are happy to be back in Canberra and now approaching three weeks are starting to establish a routine that feels right.  For sure if we had any doubts about our return they were erased by the joy that has lit Walt's face since we landed.  It is a reminder of course that kids feel everything we do and the weight that lifted from both of us when we returned "home" was also lifted for Walt.

  We have accomplished a lot of what we needed to do immediately - met with a medical oncologist, started acupuncture and found a potential brain tumor support group - and we are working on what it means to be back to regular life with this disease.  We've seen koalas, kangaroos and parrots. We've gone swimming, hiking and to the museums. And, we've felt support, encouragement and positive energy around us.
  But we'd be lying if we said this wasn't all more than a little strange.  We aren't cured - we still need prayers, hellos and support - but we do feel renewed.  Despite the arrival of the cool air and the short days we feel we feel a sense of spring with all its hope, fresh and blossoming.



  1. Glad you are back safe. Hope you have a happy Easter there. Kangaroos instead of rabbits I guess!! We'll keep you in our prayers, stay well,
    Stewart & Katherine

  2. Hi Steph and Chris,

    Walt looks so cute picking up eggs, even if it's from the back. Am so glad you're back "home".

