Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Glass of Dirt

This has become part of my daily ritual (a twice daily ritual actually), drinking my "glass of dirt" as Walt has dubbed it.  It is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment which has been an important tool in my cancer fight.
If you are wondering, it looks like dirt and it tastes like dirt so Walt is a pretty astute observer.
If I am feeling optimistic, it can taste "earthy" or on a less affirmative day, it can taste like the liquid collected at the bottom of the compost bucket.  Either way, the automatic distorted face and cry of "argggh!" the accompanies downing it is a key element of the ritual. I started out trying to make tea with it the herbs but after awhile I realized that no part of the mixture was actually dissolving in the hot water so I was ending up with steaming dirt rather than just dirt.
These days I just mix the appropriate amount of herbs with a minimal amount of juice and mix it vigorously with a tiny whisk that, previous to this task, served no purpose in our kitchen.  If I get it down quickly enough, the mixture stays semi-suspended in the juice so I can avoid the mouthful of silty residue that might otherwise constitute the "finish" of the beverage.
Here's to mud in your eye!  Ваше здоровье!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job my friend, can't believe you are downing that twice daily. I suppose green tea just doesn't do the trick. We will be giving thanks for all of you on Thanksgiving.
    xo-k & t
