Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

One of the most amazing aspects of receiving treatment at UCSF is that not only do we have some of the best oncologists in the world, we have the possibility of getting holistic, clinical care as part of the same medical system.  Rather than having to seek out treatments outside of the usual health care systems, UCSF offers integrative medicine under the umbrella of the rest of your care.  This also means that the practitioners can access your medical history and contact your other doctors as colleagues.  A few months ago, I wouldn't have appreciated what a profoundly revolutionary idea this is.
I started being treated by a practitioner at the Osher Center a month ago and it has been a remarkably positive and helpful experience.  I've discover that our health care system can, even when it is functioning at the highest level, can leave you feeling a bit fractured and it is a revelation to have somewhere to be treated and leave feeling reconstructed and whole.
If you are at all interested in this, check out the link to the Osher Center below.


  1. What a remarkable place to be - the Osher Center seems inspiring. Inspiring, too, the stories you are sharing and the thoughtfulness of the blog. I am thankful, Chris, Steph, that you have taken the time to keep us all up to date. Give Walt a big hug - I will be looking for you on the street corner :)

  2. Chris, you are absolutely right about being in the best possible place for your treatment. As someone who has worked in the health care field for several years, and observed its fragmented system, receiving patient-centered, coordinated care can't be overstated enough as determining the quality of care experience. It's good to know that you've recognized this unique aspect of your care at UCSF. Vicky
