Thursday, March 28, 2013


I'm a week late for an equinox post - but spring is just hitting it's stride in Northern California.  Everything about our spring feels right, deep down into my bones.  A rebirth.  Easter, the flowers exploding, a new baseball season - the whole world is reset, rejuvenated, and reborn.  Can I tap into some of this?  I hope so....
I remember a friend, a European doctorate in biology and an ornithologist, coming to visit many years ago, and how she flipped out at the sight of an American robin.  It was so commonplace that I had to step back and and see with new eyes - this is a glorious bird even if you can see one everyday across the entire continental United States.
I am striving to apply this perspective as I encounter the world this spring.  I continue to heal and thrive.  I'll have a new MRI in 10 days and I hope that it confirms what I feel - that I continue to recover and grow stronger.  I am thankful for all the love and support I have felt from around the globe to get me here.


  1. Chris,
    Your observations are refreshing and full of life. This is wonderful to hear you in this state of mind. Life is amazing only if we have the ability to recognize it. Glory in all its forms informs what it is to be alive.
    Best, Mike

  2. So glad to hear you're embracing Spring for what It represents on so many levels to you. Continue to live in the present, it really is "a present" :-) especially when you live in San Francisco. It's as good as it gets. Vicky
