Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dropping In

Walt has a serious meta streak - taking a photo of a photo - scouting the right run of Lava Falls at 30,000 CFS - the cheese grater is barely visible on the right - with Wolfe and Timmons (I'm in the comfortable catcher's crouch third from the left) circa 1996.  Had a great run (thanks Mike) and a good time was had by all.  Another boat on the far left is being smart and running left.  Where is the fun in that?  In case this one slipped by you, just click on the image to make it much more visible.
I'm feeling a bit antsy and over adrenalized these past few days.  My emotions are running all over the map.  I apologize for the spotty responses that I have sent out to all of the well wishes and kind messages I've received.  Focus remains at a premium and when I've felt it, I've tried to spend it on Walt and Steph and calming my own unsettled mind.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Im Westen nichts Neues

Dr. Walter is also adapting to the new UCSF data entry system
This post may be a bit scattered as I feel unable to marshal much focus to write.  I'm feeling drained.  After feeling strong for the two weeks since surgery, I came crashing down yesterday with a splitting headache and nausea that kept me horizontal until six in the evening. This is pretty normal post-surgery but it is still unpleasant and disheartening since I felt like I was clear of these symptoms.  I'm feeling better today but still fighting some queasiness.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


It's been a rather full two weeks - I had brain surgery, spent two days in the hospital, came home with twenty-three staples in my head, and got a new diagnosis.